December 2023
Mountains and trees dusted with snow and even a hoarfrost in Dillingham. My first year with this blog comes to a close.
November 2023
There weren’t many images for me, but some of the ones I did get had incredible light.
October 2023
October is when autumn colors are at their strongest, and I made one last trip to the Pasagshak Area for the year.
September 2023
Some of the best sunsets of the year so far took place in September and I was lucky to not just witness but photograph a handful of them.
August 2023
Finally, Bears in Kodiak. I’ve been searching for months, and I’m really happy with how some of these images turned out.
April 2023
Spring is finally on its way, unlocking new areas for me to explore with my little Camry. I planned to spend the month just scouting for locations but it turns out I was a bit more lucky than I thought I’d be.
March 2023
March had me leaving the island for the first time since I got to Kodiak, exploring more abstract shots, and I even got to see orcas chase a snack while I had a waterfront sushi dinner.
February 2023
February was a month for auroras and wildlife - a stint with covid meant that I couldn’t walk very far while I recovered, but it seems great image opportunities came to me instead.